i had a super extremely amusing day today.i'll blog chronologically[THANKS EU]. if that's the right way to say it.
this shall be abt practically my whole day coz i wanna rmb it. haha.
i woke up at like 6 plus in the morn and arrived in sch to find tht the aircon was spoilt and the tcher was nowhr to be seen. it was only after someone called her that we realised thr was no lesson. soon enough, swear words and much cursing could be heard. not surprising. waking up early in the morn and having 5 hrs break which cld be spent slping cld cause anyone to fly thru the ceiling. hmmm.
so after a few project mtgs, we(rau, nurul, sher, connie and joseph[high in attention to detail. teehee]) decided to head over to fc4. and then, the most embarrassing thing ever happened to me.
i saw this girl who looked a lot like yanisa. like seriously. at tht time, i was wondering how come the girl next to her dint look like any of her friends i had seen. but i dismissed the thot and errr, ran towards her and hugged her from behind.
me: eh how come ure here?
(supposedly yanisa): ...
i slowly walked to face her. and in the process, i was wondering how come yanisa wasn't wearing specs.
and then realisation literally slapped me in the face. it sooooooo wasn't yanisa. i had mistakenly grabbed some other girl. no wonder she was speechless.
so after stumbling a bit and quickly mumbling my apologies, i dashed over to the pasta stall whr the rest were and told them wht happened. they laughed for a good 5 mins. rarrrrrrr. but it was pretty funny lar. lol.
surprisingly, i dint hear 'yanisa' laugh. but she did smile while i apologised. damn. if i were her, i'd just burst out laughing thr and then.
lectures were alright. took some really retarded photos. but tht shall be for next time. heh heh. oh yea. how cld i forgot the happy tree friends ms kwa showed us. gross! lol.
left for cold storage to get some stuff. i finally got my springform pan. which means i can try the cheesecake out sometime soon. heh. get ready all u friends out thr! i shall be stuffing u guys with my food whether it's nice or fugly or gross. aha.
on the way home, mother called to tell me tht the all the lifts had broken down. 5 whole blocks of them. my neighbour got stuck in one of them for an hr. poor guy. lol. i think they're still not functioning now. so my sis came down to help me carry stuff up. thr were a lot of ppl at the lobby. hoping tht the lifts wld magically come alive i guess. sis and i started our ascend to the fourth floor. thr was this angmoh guy behind us. he lived on the bloody 20th floor. lmao. maybe it isn't tht bad living on the 4th. but sadly, he wasn't my 19th floor hunk. =(. [oh yea, when i reached the turnstile outside my house, i saw this super cute guy! i think mixed blood. yay.] seems like all the angmohs live on the 19th floor and above. lol. hmmm. i wonder how long the ppl living on the 23rd floor took to climb all the way up. teehee.
and finally, i've sort of made acquaintences with the uncle in the clubhouse. haha. he knws wht i want when i give him my pass. lol. but it's funny wht ppl say when they wanna strike up a convo. i personally suck shit at it. bcoz he has been askin me abt sch the past few days. and i've absolutely no idea wht to ask him back. aha. oh yea. he actually asked me whether i was working. good or bad?
okay. now for the grand discovery i made ytd.
let me introduce to u a friend of mine.
i guess this is sorta revenge for the red bridge thing. *inserts v-shaped sign*
Let me introduce to you.
Name: Yap Shi Rui. IC: S8938533D Date of Birth: 23/10/1989 Sex: M
pls take a look.
one more time.
and now, this is how he looks.
aha. i hope he doesn't see this man. but since he let me take pictures, i shall promote him. after all, i have a readership which consits mainly of
females. =). and nurul, this is specially for u since ure looking for chinese boyf who can cook halal pork. teehee.
errr and this is shangli. he looks very different with eyes open.
no pictures of ben thou. coz he dint want his taken. lol.
so........ i can safely say that i'm not the only one with a baaaaaad ezlink photo. right
right right? =).not-so-new-year resolution: read the dictionary at least once a day coz, im getting confused with whether it's s or z, or whether it's double 'l' or only one and the likes.