u see ah. these pictures were supposed to be way at the bottom labelled under random pictures. but bcos i forgot to upload pictures b4 typing, they ended up all the way here. and im v v v lazy to move them down. hehe. enjoy! dont kill me if u find unglam photos here. they are all from very long ago and from this folder where i put all my phone's pics. aha. enjoy!
while waiting for nurul's comperes audition.
new alien prototype.

my crazy bestest.

crazy ppl.

camwhores (there are a lot more of tong and wl actually. one day i'll put all up.) + funny looking nad. hehe.

sexaye ah. lol.

all girls only!


red bridge girl. =(.

he likes to pop up in everybody's photos.

crazy hair!

nice? lol.

i forgot why i took this. haha.

this.. was the terrible period when i had the humongous pimple! !!!!

artistic no? lol

forgot whr these came from.

someday, somewhere.

today, is/was, the day i finally got to go out!
i embraced the sunlight, the trees, the air... and whtever else thr was to embrace.
you have no idea how bad it feels to be cooped up at home looking fugly. eeeyargh. and no ure not supposed to say ive alw been fugly cos ima patient and ure supposed to be nice to me. understand rau rau? hahaha.
so......... today was our class outing! yay. watched fantastic four which wasn't too bad. but it isn't fair tht jessica alba is smoking hot. this conversation went on between gina and i.
"eh, she's damn hot ah!"
violent nod of head from other recipient.
and a few scenes later...
"oi, she wear specs still so chio leh!"
"ya la! bloody hot ppl"
another few scenes more...
"wa lau eh. dying tht time also so glam!"
and.. the popcorn started flying.
hahah. no la. no popcorn to fly. i ate most of it up. but i think all hot ppl shld..... turn into lollipops. heh heh. and the human torch is hot too! i can't rmb his name though.
however, thru out the whole show, my view was rather restricted by someone's *ah-kenn-em* *cough cough* hair. and gina's was restricted by *cough jer-*ahem*-emy cough* mountain. lol. she even took a picture of the artistic view. lmao. go to gina's blog for reference. although thr are a few unglam pictures thr. of me. =(. lol.
and after the movie, thr was a hearty discussion. with
maximum minimum shouting over food in bk. i could feel ppl staring at the 20 odd ppl sitting at the table making tons of noise. lol. and after that, the very nice ms kwa sent us east ppl back. thanks if ure reading this! heh.
okay. lemme show u some pictures.
this is what happens when im sleepy during lectures. especially during 3 lectures which last 4 hrs, all in a row.
look at the number of cancellations and the 'flying' words.

a little closer look.

and the grand finale.

notice anything?
the third sentence goes like that.
e.g. reduced product size, increase..... shouldn't be available to the
to the king!
yay. long live the king. haha.
i think my whole week is packed. since i dint get to go out. lemme see.
tmr, study session and then birthday party. with the theme as ugly betty. ive no birthday present and no idea wht to wear. quite bad eh. lol.
wed, goin to aunt's house to make xiao long bao. wheeeee!
thurs, filming in sch at 10. argh. so early. lol. but no worries. anything for you! =D. (hypee yes/no?)
friday, study with hypee.
saturday, hypee?
sunday, church! heh heh.
and then. the dreaded mst week. argh. absolutely cannot wait for this sem to be over.
okay. im done with the post. think i shall put some random pictures up now.

aha! these were some pictures taken quite some time ago. i had this chocolate buffet at the fullerton. it was chocolate overdose man. i think i dint have choc for quite some time after that.