thursday's chinatown trip was stupid. but getting thr was fun. heh heh.
today's meeting nearly sucked all my brain cells up. and now im using the remaining ones to do lsc.
and on the way back home just now, a whole gang of erm... africans i think, came onto the bus and one sat next to me. my fellow natives leh! but i think they must be from a different village cos i dont know them. =).
but they all look rich man. pdas, expensive-looking watches and designer clothes? lol.
oh yes. i was playing puzzle bobble on xq's hp today. the game's music was a bit too loud and i wanted to turn it down. so... wanting to be smart, i pressed what i thot was the volume button on the side of her phone. instead of the music being softer, coldplay's 'fix you (or smth)' started playing. and i very smartly said smth along the lines of : "wah seh. xq ur hp so high tech can play music when playing game.". naturally, she burst out laughing and rau called me bimbo. ass! lol.
and now, time for a meme. thanks very much eu. it's gona take me forever you knw. but i dowanna get my toes sawed off. however, i'll get back atcha! lol.
Rules of the game
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!
1) I have two security pillows and i love their smell. teehee
2) I get really scared when i have to talk in front of a lot of people. my heart will beat like mad and i'll tremble. =/
3) There was once upon a time, many many years ago, when i gave a sweet i already had in my mouth to my sis. and being three years younger, she very willingly accepted what i, the all mighty older sis, had to bestow upon her. lmao.
4) I have a habit of thinking that people are always looking at me. so i'll be very careful of my actions.
5) I like to imagine myself in different scenarios. like how it would be if i were 65 years old.
6) I hate having to think of stuff to say to someone.
7) Im intimidated by talll skinny girls with big eyes and pretty faces. lol.
8) I think Eunice is a punk. =).
9) One day, im gona make sure i stay at least 1 mth in Hong Kong!
10) I adoreeee hk drama serials.
yaaaaaaaaay done!
i tag vickii and sheryl to do a meme! 6 - 2 = 0. sorry maths not very good. =D.
"hey darling. i love you ok? i think i dont say it enough. haha!"
i was eating my bfast when he confessed. all i did was look up from my sugar roll, surprised. and he even laughed to himself! lol. and all i could do was say, aiyah no la i knw you love me!
there. tht's my daddy for you. and me. =).