thanks eu and wl. =)
i'm tired. haha. bedtime has been pretty early nowadays. nth like the 3, 4am ones a few weeks ago. do i miss it? quite. a lot in fact. i hate waking up early. bah.
so anw, i jus finished reading this book. it's chick lit, (wad didja expect) but thr was this character who died of cancer. and before he died, he decided he needed closure. so he found 5 0r 6 ppl whom he had hurt, had hurt him or were jus special to him but had somehow lost contact. i nvr thot closure was impt. if i were about to die, i'd rather leave everything as such(like u knw, not talking to someone for a whole lot of yrs, it'd be difficult to push back all the emotions/memories to gather up the courage and put down the pride just to see them. for the last time). but aft reading tht book, closure nvr seemed more impt. i definitely knw who i'd want to have closure with. the list isn't long but tht's good isn't it? haha.
but tht's kinda funny. cos like i said, im terrible at keeping contact or even maintaining a friendship (but im getting better now). so by right, the list shld be pretty long. but by left, im still young. thr'd be smth really wrong with me if the list was a few pages long. cos the guy in the story was over 60 yrs and he only had 5/6 ppl to find! lol.
i think i'm blabbering. i should go sleep now. but since we're on the topic of death, i jus rmbed smth me and bfffffffff were discussing.
wht song we wanted to play during our funeral. AHA. some topic eh.
but so anw, bfffffff's wld be Korn's Twisted Transistor. (cue Eu to LHAO[laugh her ass off])
would be......
oh dear. it's so terrible i cant bring myself to say it!
from beijing to taipei.
did u see tht? hahaha. but i think i got the title wrong. it's either tht or the words are supposed to be flipped ard.
but it's like sooooooo sad! my funeral song is some cheena song which is highly annoying.
i dont believe you actually like it! ahaha.
so the main point of these two wonderful songs being played during our funeral, is so tht we wld jump out of the coffin and be alive again! whoop de doo. (cue some little boy :"mommy, the coffin's shaking!")
hmmm. this is a pretty long post. now i need sleep. tata all! =)

just being random. but i think this pic's cute. hehe.