bugger blogger dint let me post pics of my hk trip! nvm. i shall try again today! haha.

ok i went durin 2nd-6th of dec. reached at ard night. so this pic was of the airport express train! cool eh. but bad thing is, i cldn figure out how to work the tv. lol. could only flip the channels. so. it's the tv's fault not mine. we stayed at Tsing Yi. we reached about 9 pm i think. and i dint sleep till quite late cos i was watching tv! haha. but had to wake up at 6 plus the next day. terrible! and we climbed all over the place on the second day. ive nvr walked so much in my life b4! i shall show u examples.

we started allllllllll the way at the very bottom. like in between the blue and green thing in the middle of the pic. far right. lol. erm but i forgot the name of this part. but the worst thing is, there were escalators. but they only went DOWN! like wth? and apparently, the escalators only went UP after 10.30. but cos we were thr at 9 plus, we had to cliiiiiiimb all the way. aha.

okay introduction time! (btw, this were the tiring long steps like in sb but not as bad! haha). starting from left: my mother, me, aunty swee noi (nat's mom), nat, uncle edmund (daniel's dad), my sis brenda, my dad, my other sis (joanne), anna (daniel's sis), aunty mun lan (daniel's mom), and daniel(AHEM RAU)!
thr was supposed to be uncle seow yong (nat's dad) but he was our cameraman. lol.

thr's the cameraman! the one with the cap. haha. dont ask me wht i was doing.

random shot. hmmm. i wonder who took this. lol.

it seemed like the adults swopped their mental age with the kids tht day. but still cute. hah.

on your mark, get set, go!

we actually had a race up the hill. and naturally, the younger ppl won. haha! i think the 3 ppl icircled in red thot we were a bunch of freaks.

group photo again! but this time, my mom's the camera
woman. lol

whee i like. heh.

look at the person with his hands up in the air. lol.

heh. bad camera skills? oh. and we were on our way to the zoo. lol.

look carefully and u may see smth. haha
it's called a meerkat i think. if tht's the correct spelling. thr were star tortoises which were superrr cute. they had numbers on them. btw, star tortoises look like walking mushrooms. jus tht the mushroom has four stalks. lol. dont knw why i dint take pic. hmmm.

there you go! haha.

hmmmm. new animal species.
and now... a lil bit of camwhoring with my foxy sis, as gina calls her.

with brenda too.

so, after that we went to the peak! it's this erm. famous mountain in hk i think. the tram on the way up was damn scary. it was super steep and the tram just had to go at neckbreaking speed. a potential roller coaster man.the view was superrrrr nice. except for the perpetual haze. lol.

tht's how high up we were. and amazingly, there were houses behind the peak even higher up!

so nice lah! my future apartment/house.

oh and the wind up there was very strong, but shiok!

just look at the air pollution. tsk tsk...

real turtle shells in some dessert shop! joanne freaked out cos b4 tht, we saw a live fish head die. and each time it tried to breathe, blood ooozed out. too bad the pic is with uncle seow yong. aha. and ever since then, my sis has erm 'refused' to eat fish? lol. oh oh oh. and we saw ronald cheng (hk actor), filming along one of the streets. we cldn rmb his name at first so we just stood thr watchin him until i sudd rmbed his name. aha.

just for fun. haha.
ok i think tht was the end of day 2. oh and i made the mistake of drinkin milk tea durin dinner. result: i cldn sleep the whole night. and i had to wake up early the next morn. horror of horrors! and their milk tea is really li hai! too powerful alr. i shld drink it next time when studying. heh.
on the third day, we went to Sai Kung. it's this place near the sea and has a lot a lot of seafood restaurants. the wind was great as usual but prob even better. but the bus ride to Sai Kung was a total killer. i jus slept throughout the whole trip thr and back. sadly, there didnt seem to be any hotels. otherwise i'd haf wanted to stay thr the whole trip. hahaha. okay. pictures!

this was one of the floating boats which sold dried seafood and the likes. it was pretty amusing. they had live sea creatures on it too.
it was also where my dad bought many many packets of cuttlefish. i thot he bought it for me (cos i kept popping pieces of it into my mouth) but i reached spore only to knw it was for his colleagues. make me happy for nth. oh well. lol.

a close-up! haha

all the little colourful tubs contained fish, lobsters, crabs and i forgot wht else.

see the things in the grey tub? i swear crayfishes are creatures from Men in Black!

a bigger close-up lol. oh and if u can see wht's in the grey tub near the date, good for u. it's called geoduck and we had some for lunch i think. haha.

can you see the lobster in the middle of the pic in a blue tub? it was trying to escape and we all just stood there watching it for quite awhile. but sadly, it never made it. ahaha.

the houses in Sai Kung are really really old.

really very old. haha. but they had nice big modern houses on the other side. this is only a small part.

the lobster we had for lunch! Daniel named it Kenny. after our waiter. LOL.

"Ahhhh. what else shall we have for lunch?"

for SOME reason, the adults bought lotsa oranges.

so after lunch was shopping. we then got onto a boat and it took us around the island. the boat was kinda scary cos it was the old kind and looked like it could fall apart any moment. lol. but still, the wind was awesome wheeeee.

look at the wind! i mean how it blew our hair. lol. oh and it was super cold too hence the jackets. heh.

a hill? haha.

no prizes for guessing who! lol.
look at tht boat! there was actual filming goin on! so exciting lah. but we cldn get close to actually see who the actors were. but when i waved to the actor, he waved back! lol. and my dad shouted at them to shoot well cos we were watching them and the same actor actually gave a thumbs up. LOL.

it was the guy in blue at the left of the pic who waved back. if it was Bosco Wong, i'd just stab myself for not getting close enough!

they were running and it was pretty funny to watch them. lol.

end of show. they were winding up. if you manage to zoom in to the photo, can see the rest of the camera crew. lol. i actually have a lot more photos of the boat and crew but since they are all futile attempts of a close-up, i shan't take up space here. heh. oh and i saw a reflector being used the correct way. hint hint. LOL.

we got off at some ulu island with no electricity to take a look around. lol.

the same electricity-deprived island.

JiEe MeIxXz 1314 wO0rxXZZ!

ignore the couple, focus on the houses behind them. nice right!!

the fried ice cream at some v famous dessert shop. it wasnt too bad but they only had one flavour, sad. i had durian pancake. just tht the pancake was some green pastry. but on the whole, it was niceee. heh.
dessert was before dinner. lol. after dessert, we went to Tsim Sha Tsui to walk along Victoria Harbour where the walk of fame is. and across was erm. the city. i kinda forgot the name. but it's super nice at night. can i just let the pix do the talking? im tired of typing. hehe. here goes nothing.

okay! now. let's talk about my hotel room. it was superrrrr small. the bathroom was the size of erm. maybe two toilet cubicles? and they provided paper slippers. literally paper. man.

i only have pix of the view outside the room. i totally forgot to take pix of the room itself. LOL.

i think this was taken on the MTR. oh yea. it's called MTR not MRT. maybe it stands for mass transport rapid? no idea man.

this, was after a long day of shopping at Mongkok's Ladies' Street (lui yan gai?). and bcos i managed to get a seat on the MTR,
everyone conveniently dumped their bags on me AND being the nice person i am, i offered to be bag-keeper. lol.

this was a mural made out of many many cute buttons along the corridor leading to the toilet in Maritime Square, Tsing Yi's shopping centre.
hmmm. let me see. oh yea! the public buses had this sign on the driver's 'door'. "it is an offence to talk to the bus captain when the vehicle is in motion". HAHAHA.
okay. next up, pix of houses in HK. there are v nice houses. and not so nice ones. i shall let u decide. hahaha.

just a banner of the bus we took to Stanley Market. heh. houses comin up soon!

heh. no idea wht this is for.

the pix from this one onwards were taken on a bus. so nt v clear.

Look at the left corner. heh


big head blocked an otherwise beautiful picture.

this is Times Square. the last day whr we had dinner. also the first time i found a shard of porcelain in my food. lol.
alright. im tired of uploading pictures! im finally done! today is the 21st. the blog date is the date i started. so... calculate how many days i took to finish this post urself! hahaha.
but my conclusion: i will either move to HK, or bag myself a rich hongky. is tht how u spell it? lol. in other words, I LOVE HONG KONG! wheeeeeee.
oh btw, i watched The Holiday with nad today. absolutely fantastic show! plus the delicious pasta from pasta mania and yummy salty popcorn, i'd say it's a great day!!!
now if i cld just get started on econs